Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Neurotransmitter: Neuron and Hormones Function

What Is Neurotransmitter? Neurotransmitter is a chemical that is released from a nerve cell which thereby transmits an impulse from a nerve cell to another nerve, muscle, organ or other tissue. (Webster new world medicine dictionary. http://www. medterms. com/script/main/art. asp? articlekey=9973) What are Hormones? Hormones are chemicals that carry messages from organs of your body to your cells. The glands that secrete hormones are part of the endocrine system (pituitary, thyroid, adrenals and pancreas, to name a few) and work in large part to keep the body’s natural balance in check. (Gary Gills, former about. com January 15, 2009. ttp://type1diabetes. about. com/od/glossaryofdiabetesterms/g/Hormones. ht Give an explanation of two similarities and two differences in how Neurotransmitter and hormones function as messenger. It is believed that the brain contains several hundred different types of chemical messengers (neurotransmitters) that act as communication agents between different brain cells. These chemical messengers are molecular substances that can affect mood, appetite, anxiety, sleep, heart rate, temperature, aggression, fear and many other psychological and physical occurrences. Two differences between neurotransmitter and hormones is . Neurotransmitter has an instantaneously reaction while hormones have a late reaction. This is so because hormones are secreted by the endocrine glands in the bloodstream away from their function site and are carried by the circulation (bloodstream) to the target cell where they are effective. While Neurotransmitter is released at a specialized region of nerve cells and have to diffuses over a small gap (synaptic cleft) to the target cell. 2. Hormones have a long lasting reaction while Neurotransmitters has a short time reaction. http://www. differencebetween. net/science/difference-between-enzymes-and-hormones/

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

American influence to world war

The First World War or the Great War was primarily a global conflict that was fought in Europe from 1914 to 1918. Some nations were actively involved in this war and among them were Britain and France. All this long America had not being involved in this war . They sought to remain neutral. They had the intentions of being silent both in deeds and thoughts . As a matter of fact, in December 1916 the then president of America Woodrow Wilson had offered himself as a mediator in this European conflict. This idea of being neutral did not go for long following a series of events that were going on between 1915 and 1917.The Americans lost their lives when German submarine warfare declared the â€Å"sinking of ships tradition†. The most hurting was the attack on May 7, 1915 against Lusitanian ship when 128 Americans perished. This broke the relationship between the Americans and Germans. One of the factors that led to joining in this war was President Wilson’s idealism. He per suaded the congress to declare war on Germany . He argued that western civilization could be destroyed or hampered thus his announcement â€Å"war to end wars† This was taken to mean that his intention was to create a ground for peace building and prevention of catastrophic future wars.According to Wilson, the way out to resolving these disputes could only be attributed to issues like ,general association by nations that would form international associations of nations to preach peace for example the league of nations, The Turkish People of Ottoman empire were to become a sovereign. He also looked forward to seeing integrity being granted to Romania, Montenegro, Serbia and Balkan states at the same time Serbia to be given the freedom to use the Adriatic Sea. He wanted the freedom to the seas and free trade. The Italian borders were to be redrawn on lines of nationality.Wilson wanted the abolishment of secret treaties . Another key factor for joining the war was the economic i nterests. As these conflicts went on, the Americans were eying on it. It was becoming clear that the British-French alliance was at the verge of loosing the war to the Germans. Their anxiety was attributed to the fact that the Americans were fully involved in financing them. As observed earlier, the turning point for waging war on the Germans was when they declared the â€Å"unrestricted warfare on submarines† in January 1917. The trading business ties between the Americans and other central powers had a negative impact.It was at this point that Americans declared war but there was nothing to do with naval policy as perceived to be. It was about the safe guarding of their economic investment and trade rather than protecting the poor Americans. In another perspective, due to Americans neutral stand, their businessmen were in a position to trade with both sides and got large profits. They were trading with both the Germans and other super powers like the British and French. (Vi ncent Joseph 2003) As the war went on and continued the private European business and the British government and its allies bought more and more American weapons and non-military goods.To pay for them, they had to borrow money from American financiers since they had exhausted their resources. This made them earn lots of wealth. Before the World War 1, majority of the American exports went overseas in foreign ships. Unfortunatery when British entered into war, the British navy blocked German ships from conducting and engaging in international trade. The German Navy also halted the British and allied from shipping. This resulted to decrease in the number of ships available for freight and consequently increase in cost of shipping goods.This made American exporters find it difficult to conduct their business as usual . They reiterated by joining the war with an aim of ending this stalemate. (Allan R Millet2001) America was also influenced to join the war against the Germans by pressure from domestic propaganda campaigns. This was executed by a committee on public information. These propagandas were being conducted by many government committee community leaders who were giving pro-war speeches in many public gatherings. There were private and government vigilante groups that were involved like; the American Protective League.There was a general harassment and repression on those opposed to Americans joining the war. There were also other forms and means of propagating propaganda and among them were; large print posters, photos, newsreels, magazines and newspapers among other methods. Americans were also influenced to join in the war due to the issue of German Naval policy. In 1917 Germany returned to the policy of unrestricted warfare on submarine. This policy was first introduced in 1915. This naval policy declared the area in the British Isles a war zone.This meant that the ships trading along these waters and those of neutral states would be attacked by the nav al. There were chains of attacks on ships that led to the sinking of the British ship,Lusitania by a German U_boat. Despite the fact that this ship was carrying military equipment and was rather meant for passengers only did not hider the then president of America Woodrow Wilson to declare war on Germany in 1917(Allan R Millet ,2001) In conclusion, the German Naval policy stipulated that, whenever an American ship was found on the Atlantic Ocean and be suspected to be providing military equipment to the British would be destroyed.The economic interest of the American was to open the trade-links especially in Europe. However, this could not happen because the German U-boats were destroying ships including the Lusitanian which made America join the war. Work cited Allan R Millet, Military effectiveness in First World War, Oxford University Press. (2001) Albert Edward, McKinley World War I McKinley Publishers, London (2002) Vincent Joseph, A concise History of World War I, Oxford Unive rsity Press, London, (2003).

Monday, July 29, 2019

Role of Education in the Modernization of Japan Assignment

Role of Education in the Modernization of Japan - Assignment Example Loss of people’s faith in religious institutions is also a parcel of modernity. This paper analyzes the role of education in the modernization of Japan. Today, Japan is one of the most developed and advanced countries in terms of industry and technology. It is well-connected with the rest of the world through trade and education. The delivery of scientific education has played a huge role in maximizing the elements of modernity in the Japanese society. Education has become a necessity rather than a choice or option in Japan since it is a prerequisite for becoming a professional, getting a job, and contributing to the economy of the country. The role of education in the modernization of Japan cannot be overemphasized. Japan opened its door to modernity around the 1860s. Particularly, the period from 1868 to 1899 is very important in terms of the role of education in the modernization of Japan. The Japanese showed enthusiasm in an effective adaptation from other countries in the course of the Meiji Era. One of the most popular sports in Japan is baseball. Japan formed its first baseball team in 1873. Horace Wilson, a Christian missionary teacher taught the students how to play baseball at Tokyo University. A Japanese team challenged an American team in 1891 to a game in Yokohama.  Overwhelmed with its own superiority and overconfidence being the masters of an American game, the Americans granted the Japanese team the challenge offer after five years of wait. As the Japanese team entered the Club where it was not previously granted the permission to enter, it was booed at to which the Japanese team did not show any reaction. However, their performance and astounding victory shocked the Americans a nd the Japanese team won another rematch held later.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Performance Management System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Performance Management System - Essay Example Management By Objectives (MBO) is the necessary tool and must form part of the management performance process. Staff reduction is mandatory as the company will not require the staff strength that used to oversee sales and distribution of fruit juices. The PMS is necessary to present management with holistic view of key strategic data to achieve the vision and mission of the company. Information across the company can be collected and used and reused from time to time (Performance Management System for Greater Nile Petroleum Operating Company). Label V Enterprises is a merger of Italian soft drink producer Miradola and the British distributor Bottle One Enterprises in 2005. The company struggles to integrate the two divisions of production and distribution but without success. The producers in Italy do not increase the quantity of their output in order to maintain their exclusiveness. They want Label V to be sold only to the best restaurants in the world. On the other hand, the distribution division complains about the inflexibility of production with regard to not only quantities but also product positioning due to the increasing market for "lifestyle" products. The objectives of PMS are to include financial and non-financial measures, focus management activity on key performance indicators, align departmental goals with corporate strategy, link measures throughout the organization, allow senior management to consider all measures together, reflect the company's commitment to customer service, to prevent proliferation of unneeded measures, and to share with as many staff as is necessary (Performance Management System for Greater Nile Petroleum Operating Company). The purpose of the PMS is to galvanize the Sales office into decision making department with internal capabilities to coordinate internal activities and also coordinate with other departments as well whenever necessary. McKonsby proposes to initiate a strategy of producing and selling more exclusive products. The margins for these exclusive products are significantly higher than in the mass market for fruit juices. There is the need to integrate MBO with PMS so that the Sales department can begin operations on a more knowledgeable note. The Sales department had started the MBO process earlier on and the Sales Manager is confident of making the right start with a known system. The Performance Management System will measure and monitor, analyze, plan, budget and forecast the Sales department's activities besides collecting information of the company as a whole. This will enable Sales maintain tabs on their activities and meet their targets. It will also enable Sales discuss their needs with other departments as needs arise. Staff Reduction The new process will start with appropriate sales team to manage sales and distribution. The shift to exclusive products will mean change in approach and management of the new clients. The former sales team had ready market and catered to these in sufficient numbers in accordance with the market requirement. This will

Contemporary issues review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Contemporary issues review - Essay Example Human capital cannot be owed by an organization because it is inherent in people, hence when people leave organizations, human capital leaves too. It encompasses how organization utilizes its people resources effectively as measured by innovation and creativity; structural capital, this is the supportive processes, infrastructure and organization’s databases which enhances the functionality of human capital. Structural capital may include hardware, buildings, software, patents, processes, information system, organization’s image, proprietary databases, and trademarks. Structural capital can also be classified into process, organization, and innovation capital. Intellectual properties are protected by trademarks and copyrights. Intangible assets include all other theory and talents through which an organization is run; and relational capital, which consists of supplier and customer relationships, trade names and trademarks, franchises, and licenses (Tayles et al., 2007). The perception that customer capital is distinct from structural and human capital shows its central importance to the worth of an organization. Even though intellectual capital may be similar to tangible assets in its potential to generate future cash flow, it is different radically from tangible capital in various respects: intellectual assets are not rival assets. Intellectual assets can be multiplexed unlike tangible assets that can only do one thing at a time; relational capital and human capital cannot be owned and are shared with suppliers, customers and employees. It therefore demands careful nurturing in order to grow; structural capital on the other hand can be owned and is often controlled by the management. It cannot be easily traded however, since there is not market in existence for that purpose; structural capital can be substituted with expensive expenditure on capital in the form of real time inventory control systems and just in time process of procurement; firms leveraging their intellectual capital to perform their knowledge work generate higher profit margin compared to those firms who offer mass produces solutions; and structural, human and relational capital usually work together in order to give rise to core competencies in judicious combinations that assume strategic significance. Therefore, it is not totally enough to invest in people, customers and systems separately, that produce end value in combinations. Intellectual capital is measured in order to help organizations in formulating their strategy, assisting in the diversification and expansion of the decisions of the firm, evaluating the execution of the strategy, communicating with external shareholders, and as a foundation for compensation management (Gowthorpe, 2009). Summarily, intellectual capital is the sum total of a firm’s structural capital, human capital and relational capital. They distinguish firms’ performance from one another and form a source of disti nct competitive advantage. Sustainability and accounting Accounting for sustainability entails linking initiatives of sustainability to company strategy, opportunities and evaluating risks, accounting and performance management skills, and providing measurement in order to ensure that sustainability is rooted into daily operations of the company. Sustainability a

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Ethical Decision Making Process within the Law Enforcement Thesis Proposal

The Ethical Decision Making Process within the Law Enforcement Organization.An Examination of Inappropriate Unethical Behavior from Law Enforcement Officers while Working within the Communities - Thesis Proposal Example Ethical decision-making was to be treated as an essential area of concern among the local law and security enforcement agencies. One would be left to ask a number of questions that may lack a readymade answer. Why do law enforcement officers and security personnel engage in the unethical behaviour? What is the role of ethical decision making in addressing the vices of corruption and abuse of power among the police force? Is there a relationship between training and behaviour? What perception do the communities hold toward the conduct of law enforcement officers? These and many other frequently asked questions require answers that may only come along through a detailed study of the subject matter. Corruption, abuse of power, assault of women and other vulnerable groups during times of calamities have been manifest features of almost every law enforcing agency in the world. The security and other law enforcing groups have severally been reported to have used more force on the ordinary people than stipulated in the law (Caldero, Crank & Crank, 2014). The result of the tainted name of the law enforcement officers has been the fear and resentment by the communities that have fallen victims of circumstances in this regard. One would wonder the ethical picture manifested when ordinary people express their distrust and lack of confidence in a group that should perform a role that is paramount to peaceful human existence. Is it because of lack of proper training on the ethical standards and codes of moral conduct in the course of discharging their duties or is it a culture that has gradually made its roots in the system? Corrective measures are urgently needed to redeem the tainted r eputation and public image of the law enforcement and security agencies. The problem that has been identified is an increase of activity in unethical decision making by law enforcement officers on duty while serving within designated communities

Friday, July 26, 2019

Diplomacy Gameplay Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Diplomacy Gameplay - Article Example eos, Cineplexes, and TV ads, where pluralistic worlds and multiple realisms are captured to the furthest in digital mocks and metaphors (Potter 2002, pg. 34). Young people today are fully relaxed with the initiative of such created worlds, produced veracities, and de-centered selves, since their relative experience is mostly through the de-centered, hyper-real surroundings of digital computer systems. Diplomacy is a seven-player board game that is derived from the great efforts of the major European influences during World War I. The nations play in this game are: England, France, Germany, Russia, Italy, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey (Jonathan et al. 2004, pg. 44). Game Board: The board contains seventy-three bordering regions and every player begins with pieces in lieu of armed forces units in their native lands. Thirty-five of the seventy provinces on the board are described as â€Å"supply countries†. The objective of the game is to manage eighteen of the thirty-five supply hubs. A player will then have lots of pieces on the board as he/she possesses supply centers. Pieces: They are signified as one of two major types of armed forces units: militias and fleets. Fleets are permitted to go across bodies of water and coastline regions, at the same time as armed forces can shift onto any neighboring region. Both of these units have equivalent power in the game. Actions and Orders: On every spring or fall turn, a piece can be controlled to carry out the following actions: move, hold or support. A move order will transport a piece from one province to an adjacent province. A hold order will keep the piece in it current location. A support order will help another piece that is moving from one region to another beside the piece carrying out the support order. This aid allows the moving piece to occupy a region during circumstances of conflict. GamePlay: A head-to-head â€Å"game of Diplomacy† engages a talk time during each twist of about thirty minutes where players

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Financail Management - Risk and Capital Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Financail Management - Risk and Capital - Essay Example Secondly we might have underestimated the growth rate which has a dramatic impact on the price of the stock. The higher the growth rate, the greater the price of the stock will be and it is expected that in the high-tech industry, a company such as IBM holds great expectation and it must have a better growth rate than what we have expected. Therefore by increasing the dividend growth rate and current annual dividend we can get a better estimate from this model. This model underestimates the value of the stock in firms that consistently payout less than they can afford and accumulate cash in process. Changed Market Risk Premium: Required rate of return = 3.40 + 1.64(10) Required Rate of Return = k = 19.8% Constant Growth Model D1= D0 (1+g) D1= 0.80 (1+0.082) = 0.8656 As we have increased the required rate of return, we are assuming a greater risk with the stock which in turn decreases the value of the stock as it can be seen from the above calculations. This also differs drastically f rom the market price due to the reason mentioned above.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Individuals Influence On Gender Identity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Individuals Influence On Gender Identity - Essay Example To understand gender identity at a deeper length, it is imperative to consider social constructs of gender difference. This implies that issues like socialization or environmental factors and response to changing societal norms must be considered and understood. Children start understanding gender identity at a very tender age. A child will know whether he is a boy or she is a girl. Thus children at an early age can already categorize their gender. They further learn how to perform gender roles that are associated with their identity as masculine and feminine. Boys learn to control and manipulate their physical environment through their strength and sometimes skills. On the other hand, girls at an early age, already start presenting themselves as an object that should be viewed. These children keenly monitor their friends’ gendered behaviors as well as their own. Thus, gender segregated children activities, partly found in their play and normal life practices bring in the appe arance that there are male and female behaviors. Therefore, these children grow up knowing that there are varied behaviors, roles, and practices that they should do as a male or a female. There are a number of factors that influence a child’s gender development. The most outstanding of these factors is the environment where a child develops. Indeed, Barret found out that one's identification as a male or a female is not natural, but it results after a series of repeated performance of gender norms conforming to the above-identified sexes. identified sexes (2001, pp. 313). Thus, it is this performance that will reproduce and results into the traditional gender categories of males and females. Studies have found out that children develop gender identities as they search for their social cues (Lucal, 1999, pp. 513). In addition, Brown established similar findings in his studies. He established that, children will develop their

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Entering in to a Credit Agreement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Entering in to a Credit Agreement - Essay Example Rest of the amount is paid in small monthly installments. In his scheme of thing, the good sold belongs to the shop until and unless complete money i.e. last installment is not paid to the shop. This was used to be called Hire Purchase agreements but is now called an Installment Sales Agreement. Before entering an agreement for a credit, a person must be fully aware of terms and conditions of the credit. There are certain requirements that need to be complied with while entering an agreement to protect consumer's interest. The Consumer Credit Act 1974 and subsequent amendments lay down certain well defined requirements for a consumer's protection. If these requirements are not met the agreements will be considered as not enforceable without a court order. Various Consumer Credit Acts provide number of rights to the consumers to settle the agreement at any time by giving notice in writing and paying off the amounts owed under the Agreement. A person entering consumer credit or consumer hire agreement should carefully go through the agreement forms and content of document accompanying the agreement. Section 60(1) of CCA requires a credit agreement document to aware debtor or hirer clearly about following: Consumer credit or consumer hire agreement document in the prescribed form, containing all the prescribed terms of the agreement and conforming to regulations under section 60(1), is not signed in the prescribed manner by the debtor or hirer and by or on behalf of the creditor or owner The document does not include all the terms of the agreement, other than implied terms The document is, when presented or sent to the debtor or hirer for signature, in such a state that all its terms are readily legible. Contents of a Credit Agreement According to Credit Agreement Act, debtor or buyer and hirer or seller both arties must sign a written agreement including all terms and conditions. A credit agreement document must include following details: Names and addresses of both the buyer and seller A complete and clear description of the goods The cash price and the other charges (finance charges, insurance and so on) that make up the total price the buyer must pay The deposit that must be paid. No credit agreement is legal until the deposit is paid. The amount of each installment, including the last installment, and the day of the week or month by which it must be paid. All other terms and riders like who will the owner of goods until all the installments or full cost of the good is paid, at what conditions the purchaser can make prepayments or what will be the result if full installments are not paid. Terms and conditions if a seller has sold defective goods or it break down without any fault from purchaser side. Canceling an Agreement There are cases when a

Monday, July 22, 2019

Songs and Poetry Essay Example for Free

Songs and Poetry Essay Develop a kit which contains the following : * One song ( of a duration of 3 – 5 minutes ) and one poem ; * For the song, you may either retain an established tune and create your own original lyrics or create your own tune as well as original lyrics ; * Your song and poem must meet the requirements of the syllabus and the curriculum standards of the primary ESL Classroom; * Provide a brief rationale/justification for your selection. * One lesson plan for a duration of 60 minutes for each of the selected song and poem. * Your lesson plan should include worksheets, task sheets, etc. All teaching aids are to be submitted together with the lesson plan. Your kid will be assessed on the following criteria : * Suitability of the song and poem selected in relation to the lesson planned; * Originality and creativity of teaching ideas / activities designed; * Evidence of a gradation of activities that lead to successful learning of the intended learning outcomes; * Appropriate and a variety of teaching materials. You may present your kit in the following ways : * In booklet form ; * In a ring file with clear separator; * Any other presentations which you deem to be effective and attractive. Justification / rationale for the selection of song . Song: Old Pak Karim Had A Farm ( Adapted from Old Macdonald Had A Farm ) Genre: Nursery Rhymes * Age * The song is suitable with the targeted group, year 3 KSSR because it contains a little vocabulary and the students are familiar with the words used in the song. For an example, cow, duck and pig. * Content * Teacher should choose a poem that encourage and motivates the students. So I personally belief that the song that I have chose will motivate and  engage the students in the lesson as it focuses on different types of animals and the sounds they make. * Proficiency level * The rationale of choosing this song to be taught to a Year 3 students is also because of their proficiency level. At this primary level, I feel that the students are not exposed to difficult vocabularies but to only certain comprehensible words. So, this important element fulfills the choice of my song that is ‘’Old Pak karim’’ because it contains simple words . Not only that, the rhythm and the tempo of the song is also on par with the students’ proficiency level. It does not have a fast tempo and complicated music which will bore the students. * Interest * The song that I have designed for the Year 3 KSSR students, develops motivation among the students, develop imagination among them about animal, stimulates curiosity, draw on personal experience. I belief that when a teacher proposes the students with a stimulus that the students have experienced before, it will make them to indulge in that particular lesson because it is something of their interest. Directly this song will encourage active participation among the students, and create desire to continue learning. * Culture * This song will create a phenomena to expose the students whom are from urban areas and had never seen farm animals such as cows, pigs and so on. By using this song, teacher will be able to expose the students with a farmer’s lifestyle and their culture. He/ she may explain the daily routine of a farmer or different types of animals that can be found in a farm. * Resources * This song can be easily found in the internet and teachers could simply download the song and have an interesting lesson in the classroom. Lesson plan Date | 21st March 2013| Time| 10. 00 – 11. 00 am| Class | Year 1| Number of students| 25 students | Students’ level| Mixed ability class| Theme| World of Knowledge| Topic| Animals and the sounds they make. | Focused / Main skill| Language Arts | Integrated skills| Listening, speaking and writing | Curriculum Specification| 1. 1. 3 Able to listen to, say aloud and recite rhymes or sing songs with guidance. 1. 1. 4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance3. 1. 1 Able to demonstrate fine motor control of hands and fingers by : ( a ) handling objects and manipulating them. 4. 1. 1 Able to enjoy nursery rhymes, jazz chants and action song through non-verbal response. 4. 1. 2 Able to recite nursery rhymes, jazz chants and sing action songs with correct pronunciation and rhythm. 4. 3. 1 Able to produce simple creative works with guidance based on : ( a ) nursery rhymes 4. 3. 2 Able to take part with guidance in a performance based on : ( a ) nursery rhymes | General objective| To expose students with different types of animals and the sounds they make. | Specific Objectives| By the end of the lesson, students should be able to : 1. Listen to the song and take part in an oral activity with 100 % accuracy. 2. Enjoy and sing the song with 100 % accurate pronunciation. 3. Follow the actions and movements. 4. Create a simple creative work, face mask according to their characters they are appointed to. | CCTS| None| Grammar| Verbs | Vocabulary| Cluck, oink, quack, woof , moo| Teaching aids| 1. Pictures of different types of animals. 2. White board 3. Song clip 4. Speakers 5. Computer 6. Manila cards 7. Marker pens 8. String | Moral values| Love the animals. Cooperation. Group work. Sharing. | Previous knowledge | Students are exposed to several types of animals and they have been taught to do animal masks. | Stage / Time| Content| Teaching Learning activities| Remarks / Rationale| Set induction( +- 5 minutes ) | Talking about oneself. | 1. Teacher gets into the class and capture the students’ attention by asking them few question about themselves. Ex : Hello students, how are you all feeling today? * Do you have any pets at your house ? * Can you name some of the farm animals that you know. 2. After having the students to respond, teacher proceed to the next stage of the lesson. | Rationale The rationale for having a two way interaction during a set induction is to ensure that the students are ready physically and mentally. Having a two way communication will give a room for the students to speak out about themselves and motivates them to learn the lesson that has been designed for them for that particular day. | Pre stage ( +- 10 minutes ) | Introduction of a character. Different animals. | 1. Teacher paste a male character on the board and introduce him briefly to the students ( Refer to appendix 1 ) 2. Next teacher pastes pictures of various animals on the board. ( Refer to appendix 2 ) 3. The teacher points out few students and get them to name the animals that has been pasted earlier. 4. Then, the teacher asks the students to make the sounds that the animals make. 5. Teacher observes the students’ participation in the classroom. | Remarks-Now let me introduce Pak Karim. He has few animals with him. | While stage ( +- 20 minutes )| Listening comprehension -Cow, Duck, Chicken, Pig, Dog. | 1. Teacher plays a song clip ( Refer to appendix 3 ) and requires the students to watch and listen to him/ her. 2. Next, teacher plays the song clip and the students will have to sing the song along with the teacher. 3. Then, the teacher plays the song again and this time with few movements and actions that is suitable with the animals. 4. Students mimic the actions and the movements done by the teacher and moves around the classroom to do the actions and movements together with the sound clip. 5. Once the song has been sung, teacher ask few WH- question to the students. Ex : what is the sound made by a dog? * What is the sound that a cow makes? * Oink, oink,oink is made by which animal? 6. Teacher calls out few students, one at a time and ask them to make sound and actions of certain animals that they have learnt earlier. 7. Energetic performance will be rewarded with claps. | Rationale -This is to ensure that the students have listen and comprehended the song well. -Claps are considered as a positive reinforcement for the students which will encourage and motivate them to stay active and participate in the lesson. | Post stage ( +- 20 Minutes )| Language arts | 1. Teacher divides the students into 5 groups and appoint them to the animal characters that is involved in the song entitled â€Å" Old Pak karim Had A Farm†. 2. Each group must have 1 beginner, 2 intermediate and 2 advanced students. 3. Teacher distributes 5 pieces of A4 sized manila cards, strings and few marker pens to each groups. 4. Once the teacher is done with the distribution, she / he will have to give a clear instruction on what has to be done by the students. 5. Teacher walk around the classroom from one group to another to monitor the group activity. 6. After 15 minutes, teacher ask the students to wear the mask that they have created and get them to make the sound of the animals by pointing to one group to another. 7. Then the teacher proceeds to the next stage of the lesson. | RemarksThe students will have to share some of the materials among the group members. This will indirectly teach them how to be tolerant and to work in a group. | Closure( +- 5 Minutes ) | Let’s sing along | 1. Teacher asks the students whether they are ready to sing a song. 2. Teacher ask the students to stand up and sing along the song with the teacher. 3. Each groups will have to make sound when their respective characters appears in the song. 4. Teacher ends the lesson by instilling moral values among the students. Ex :- You should always love the animals. * You should not torture or kill them. | RemarksThe students sing the song together with the masks that they have designed and created. | Appendix 1 Old Pak Karim Appendix 2 Pictures of different animals . Rationale / Justification for the selection of the poem. * Age * This poem is suitable with the targeted group which is Year 3 students. Not only that, I belief that this poem can be proposed to the students because the students will be able to comprehend its content. Adding to that, students of this age will enjoy this poem because its a narrative poem which tells a story on a trip to a Zoo and revolves around animals. * Content * I feel that the content of this poem will engage the students and they will enjoy it because it is a narrative poem which narrates a trip to the zoo. So, directly it will provide a room for the students to develop their imagination regarding the topic. Not only that, the author has used simple language; students will not face difficulties in understanding this poem. Adding to that, this poem contains only 6 stanzas with four lines each. So the length of the poem will not bore the students and it is evident that students will be bored and demotivated if they are given a epic or long poem in this young age. Because, at this point of age, students will be looking forward for poems which is short in length but a quality one. The content of the poem revolves around a theme in the curriculum which is world of knowledge and it is applicable to Year 3 students as it gives information and students gain new knowledge from it. * Proficiency level * This poem is suitable with the students proficiency level. They will be able to digest and understand the meaning that is conveyed in the poem by the author. Not only that, students of this age will be able to appreciate this poem and will be able to take part in the activities that is done by teacher using this poem. * Interest * Not only that, according to Hickman ( 2003 ) illustration, color, format, length and type of print can also influence children’s choice. â€Å"A trip to the zoo† could definitely influence and capture the students attention because of the illustration at the bottom of the poem. The illustrations are colourful and mind captivating. * Values * Apart from teaching the students with different animals that can be found in the zoo, teachers could instill moral values among the students through this poem. Teachers can list out and teach the students with several good values that need to be practiced by every human beings in the world such as love the animals, animals are humans best friend and so on. So using this poem teachers could mould the students into betterment. Lesson plan Date | 21st March 2013 | Time| 10. 00 – 11. 00 am| Class | Year 3| Number of students| 25 students | Students’ level| Mixed ability class| Theme| World of Knowledge| Topic| A Trip To The Zoo| Focused / Main skill| Reading | Integrated skills| Listening, speaking, writing and language arts | Curriculum Specification| 1. 1. 3 Able to listen to, say aloud and recite rhymes, tongue twisters and sing songs paying attention to pronunciation, rhythm and intonation. 1. 1. 4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance. 2. 2. 2 Able to read and understand phrases and sentences in linear and non – linear texts. | General objective| To expose students with different types of animals and have an interesting lesson using a poem. | Specific Objectives| By the end of the lesson, students should be able to : 1. Listen and enjoy the song and take part in an oral activity with 100 % accuracy in pronunciation. 2. Understand the poem and be able to complete a task with 100 % accuracy. | CCTS| None| Grammar| Verbs ( Trick , Waddle , Chewing , Swing )| Vocabulary| Muddy Pen, Cage, Feed, Rope. | Teaching aids| 1. Video Clips ( 1 song and 1 video clip on Madagascar ) 2. Speakers 3. Computer 4. White Board 5. A big picture of a Zoo scenario 6. Task sheet 1 | Moral values| Love the animals. | Previous knowledge | Students are exposed to different kinds of animals that can be found in the mother earth. | Stage / Time| Content| Teaching Learning activities| Remarks / Rationale| Set induction( +- 5 minutes ) | Sing A song Entitled â€Å" Going To The Zoo Tomorrow â€Å"| 1. Teacher enters the classroom and captures the students’ attention by asking them few question. Ex : How are you feeling today? * Are you ready to learn today? * Can you name some animals that you are familiar with. 2. After that, the teacher plays a video clip on â€Å" Going To The Zoo Tomorrow† ( Refer to appendix 1 ) and gets the students to sing along. 3. Once the song has been sung, the teacher asks the students whether they enjoy the song and why they enjoy the song and then proceeds to the next stage of the lesson. | Rationale The rationale for having a two way interaction during a set induction is to ensure that the students are ready physically and mentally. Having a two way communication will give a room for the students to speak out about themselves and motivates them to learn lessons that has been designed for them for that particular day. Adding to that, having a song in the set induction is a great way to ignite the interest among the students. | Pre stage ( +- 10 minutes ) | A Zoo Scenario | 1. The teacher paste a big picture of a scenario at a Zoo ( Refer to appendix 2 ) on the whiteboard. 2. Teacher will have to get the students to talk about the stimulus given. 3. Teacher should ask few questions as follows 🙠 a ) What can you see in the picture? ( b ) Name the animals in the picture. ( c ) Do you like these animals? ( d ) which animal would u like to keep as a pet ? Why? 4. Teacher observes the students’ participation in the classroom. | | While stage ( +- 20 minutes )| Reading comprehension Muddy Pen, Cage, Trick, Waddle, Chewing, Swing| 1. Teacher gets the students to settle down and distributes a reading text which is a poem entitled â€Å" A Trip To The Zoo† ( Refer to Appendix 3 ) 2. Teacher reads the poem and the students repeat after her/ him. 3. Teacher stops and explains the meanings of several difficult words which are the new grammar and vocabulary that the students might encounter in the poem. 4. Teacher ask the students to write down the meanings of the words by the side of the poem. 5. Once the poem has been read, teacher ask few WH- question to the students. ( a ) Do you understand the poem? ( b ) Who wrote this poem? ( c ) How many animals are mentioned in the poem ? ( d ) What is the meaning of waddle? ( e ) Which animal has a long neck and can reach very far ? ( f ) Which animal is so colourful and beautiful ? ( g ) what are the characteristics of these animals ? | Rationale -This is to ensure that the students have comprehend and understand the poem very well. | Post stage ( +- 20 Minutes )| Individual self assessment | 1. Teacher distributes task sheet 1 ( Refer to Appendix 4 ) to each students. 2. Once the teacher is done with the distribution, she / he will have to give a clear instruction on what has to be done by the students. 3. Teacher walk around the classroom to monitor the students and guide them if they could not accomplish the task given. 4. After 15 minutes, teacher checks the answer together with the students. 5. Teacher point out certain student to read the question and the answer. 6. Students whom manage to get all correct answers will be rewarded with handclaps. | RemarksTask sheet will be distributed together with a sheet of paper contains pictures of different animals ( Refer to appendix 5 ) | Closure( +- 5 Minutes ) | Let’s watch a cartoon | 1. Teacher asks the students whether they are ready to watch a cartoon. 2. Teacher puts up the cartoon / video clip on Madagascar. ( Refer to appendix 6 ). 3. Once the cartoon has end, teacher recalls the animals that they have learned for that day. Ex : what are the animals that you saw in the cartoon ? * Do you want to go to a Zoo and watch these animals in the future, during the holidays perhaps. 4. Teacher ends the lesson by instilling moral values among the students. Ex :- You should always show some care and love towards the animals. | Rationale The rationale of having the students to sing the song again is to end the lesson for that day in a more interesting way rather than ending the lesson with tons of homework. | Appendix 1 Video clip Title: We Are Going To The Zoo Tomorrow Appendix 2 Picture of Scenario at the Zoo Appendix 4 Paste the correct picture of animal in the space provided and write the name of the animal below the picture. 1. Huge animal in the world. It has a long trunk and it does tricks at the zoo. Which animal is this ? | | 2. Its feathers are so colorful and has a long neck. It walks slowly and beautifully. | | 3. This animal is so old and sleeps in a very muddy pen. They are so smelly. | | 4. He is the king of the jungle. He loves to eat meat. He sits on some big rocks in his cage. Who is this ? | | 5. It is the tallest animal in the world. It comes over and eats the food from our hand and has a long neck that he can reach far. | | 6. These animals waddle around in their cold spot. They are black in colour. | | 7. It do not have legs like other animals. It makes ‘’hiss’’ sound and they are poisonous. | | 8. These animal swings in a rope and it swings way over the small ponds. | | Appendix 5 Pictures of animals that need to be pasted in task sheet 1. | | | | | | | | Appendix 6 Video Clip on a cartoon â€Å"Madagascar† Appendix 3 Poem entitled â€Å" A Trip To The Zoo† A TRIP TO THE ZOO Author: Deenadevy IT IS SUCH A BEAUTIFUL DAY WE WANT TO GO TO THE ZOO, PACK A PICNIC LUNCH GRAB A HAT SEE LOTS OF ANIMALS BIRDS TOO. WE WILL STOP AND VISIT THE ELEPHANT WATCH THEM DO A TRICK OR TWO, WALK PAST THE ZEBRAS. THERE STANDS FOUR SEE THE PEACOCK FEATHERS SO BLUE. THERE LIES TWO OLD HIPPOPOTAMUS SLEEPING IN A VERY MUDDY PEN, WE SEE THE LION SITTING ON SOME ROCKS IN HIS CAGE I HAVE NEVER BEEN. WE GET TO FEED THE GIRAFFE HE COMES OVER AND EATS FROM OUR HAND, WITH HIS LONG NECK HE CAN REACH VERY FAR ON HIS TONGUE MY FINGERS OFTEN LAND. WE SEE LOTS OF SNAKES, TURTLES AND SPIDERS WE VISIT THE PENGUINS IN THEIR COLD SPOT, IT IS FUN TO WATCH THEM WADDLE AROUND FLY TO THE OUTSIDE, THEY CAN NOT. WE PAST BY THE CAMELS CHEWING SOME FEED SEE MONKEYS SWINGING ON A ROPE, THEY SWING WAY OVER THE SMALL POND INTO THE WATER, THEY NEVER FALL-I HOPE.

Hindrance to Effective Communication Essay Example for Free

Hindrance to Effective Communication Essay New technology such as smart phones should be a great asset and a powerful aid to helping us work more efficiently. We can respond to urgent emails on the go, refer to useful websites and look up quick facts. However, these gadgets, as well helping us, can also prove to be a hindrance providing information overload and constant interruptions. We receive so many emails and are exposed to so much information that it can be hard to distil what is actually important and what isn’t. We fill our brains with clutter and lose the ability to focus on our priorities and spend our time responding to trivial emails. We think we are multi-tasking but actually we are becoming less productive. We read each email but don’t always process the information we need. As a result, we risk irritating the sender by asking them to remind us what they said or to send the email again. More worryingly, we allow ourselves to be distracted from more important tasks by the seeming urgency of each email that comes in. This information overload doesn’t only impact the way we process information ourselves but can also have a negative impact on the way others perceive us. It is all too easy to give the impression that you are not listening to the other person. It can be quite obvious even on the telephone that you are distracted by your inbox rather than giving the speaker your full attention. In a face-to-face meeting, of course, it is only too apparent when the person you are talking to is distracted by their smart phone rather than focusing on the content of the meeting. In the past several years, texting and instant messaging have become phenomena that few of us have been able to escape. Though most popular with the younger generations, it is becoming increasingly common to see people of all ages absorbed in silent conversations on their cell phones. The availability of constant, instant communication makes many people feel connected to their friends in ways they never were before. But do these printed messages and instant responses help or hinder us socially? The instant messaging fad brought abbreviations such as LOL (Laugh Out Loud) and BRB (Be Right Back) into our language as commonly accepted words. The younger generations chatted happily in this new language while everyone else struggled to understand what BTW (By the Way) and IDK (I Dont Know) meant. This phenomenon spread over into texting as children as young as five received the latest models of cell phones to communicate with their friends and family. Though everyone with a cell phone is clearly well-connected to other people, the question remains whether engaging in such constant, abbreviated communication is a help or a hindrance in personal relationship skills. Over the past decade there has been a dramatic difference in the attitudes and communication styles of the younger generations, but how much of this change has been compounded by the lack of face to face communication advocated by the texting craze? There is no way to tell for certain whether texting and instant messaging have actually caused the breakdown of one-on-one, face-to-face communication with people, but I believe it has not helped. Instead of using cell phones as a mere communication tool, many young people view them as a necessity they could not possibly live without. We have all seen people glued to their phones, their fingers flying over the keys as they stand in line at the store, or are walk down the mall, and even frighteningly enough, while they are driving. In one case, a pair of girls walking together in the mall admitted that they were texting each other! I have even been engaged in a conversation with someone when they whipped out their phone to send a text message to someone else! Is this the kind of society we are encouraging by allowing young people to be so dependent on their phones? A society where face to face communication all but ceases to exist in place of disembodied text messages, even when the person you are talking to is standing beside you? It may be true that the people sending and receiving those text messages are communicating with each other, but what does it say to the people who are actually physically around them? What happened to the days when you could walk through the store and complete strangers would smile and greet you as you passed? Have the basic societal manners of years gone by disappeared for good? Using cell phones to talk or text is not a bad thing in itself. However, it is my opinion that certain rules of etiquette should be applied when using them in order to maintain a respectful relationship with everyone you are in contact with. Being glued to your cell phone puts off a very distinct signal that you are unavailable and unapproachable to everyone around you. If you text a friend while talking to someone else you are telling the person in front of you that the friend is more important than they are. Bad grammar and spelling are also compounded by electronic communication. Constantly using abbreviations and fragments in instant communication ingrains these bad habits into a person. English teachers have always struggled to encourage correct spelling and grammar in their students. Now, with texting and instant messaging becoming so prevalent, their jobs are that much harder. And it is not just in the classroom where spelling and grammar have fallen by the wayside. Businesses who are interested in maintaining a high level of professionalism are often hard-pressed to find applicants who can spell, speak, and write properly. So, what can we do to help those people who are addicted to their phones remember that there is more to life than texting and instant messaging? I believe that parents should try to encourage their teenagers to talk on the phone for long conversations, rather than texting back and forth 500 times. Doing so will help teens develop real conversation skills which are not possible in the lingo of texting. Also, everyone should be encouraged to give their full attention to the person they are talking to. If you are engaged in a conversation with someone who starts texting some0one else, kindly ask them to finish talking with you first. If they refuse, simply walk away. I have used this method myself very effectively. Usually, if the person cares about you at all, they will realize how rude their behavior is. So, is texting and instant messaging a help or a hindrance? I believe it is both. Texting and instant messaging can be wonderful forms of communication when implemented correctly, but they can also be abused and have adverse effects. People of all ages need to realize that moderation is the key when using alternate forms of communication. By understanding when these forms are appropriate and when they are not, people can gain valuable communication skills, be more likely to absorb correct spelling and grammar principles, be more productive in the business world and appear far more approachable to the world in general. Since society as a whole is becoming increasingly dependent on the instant communication provided by cell phones, I believe that we must all do what we can to engage in respectful behavior ourselves and encourage it in others. Excellent communication, proper grammar and spelling do not have to be things of ages past. With a little effort and encouragement we can all help ensure that these important values of yesteryears are around for future generations. Texting is the preferred method of communication for young people. According to an article by Mike Flacy, DigitalTrends, One in ten young adults between the ages of 18 to 24 report that they send or receive at least 200 text messages per day (approximately 6,000 messages per month). The next age group, 25-34 year olds, typically average about 42 texts per day and this trend continues to decrease down to about 5 texts a day for the 65 and older group. 200 text messages per day? Do they have time to do anything else in life? Will these young adults get carpal tunnel syndrome of the thumbs? Do you prefer to text rather than talk? According to the survey, Most people are too occupied and busy in todays world that they hardly get enough time to have an elaborated conversation on phone, and hence prefer to communicate via text. I can see the attraction to texting, however I do like to hear a persons voice. The emotions and flavor of the conversation can be misunderstood more easily through texting. After all, you cant hear the sighs and laughter while texting. Yes, you can text little acronyms like LOL and put little smiley faces in your text, but sarcasm and irony are lost in texting. I do like to get little morning text messages from my friends far away, and it is how I communicate with my son most of the time. But I would have to say, my preferred method of communication is voice or Skype. With texting taking over, hands-free devices are even more important. Many of the Smartphones have the capability of translating voice into text to send text messages without typing. A good quality Bluetooth headset with noise canceling makes this process much better. Do you have a Bluetooth mobile headset? I have a Droid X, which is a bit cumbersome to hold up to your ear to talk. I love having my Bluetooth headset to use, especially for multitasking around the house while talking on the phone. And of course with more and more states requiring hands-free devices while driving, a good headset is essential. Do you have one? Whats your favorite? Meanwhile, dont get into any thumb wrestling contest with anyone under 30 years of age. You KNOW their thumbs are agile and strong from texting a bazillion words per minute.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Change is a necessary evil

Change is a necessary evil Discuss the above statement critically, supporting relevant concepts with examples within UK-based organisations, challenging the norms, and conclude with a detailed opinion from your research or observations. 1. INTRODUCTION Change is resistance. Change is melancholy. Change is imperfection and adaption too. Change is the beginning, and yet the end .Change is submission. Change is fear And yet the hope .Change is the essence of pessimism and Optimism of grief of retrospection and Growth. Coz all said and done, Change is the only thing constant in life. CHANGE., after- qw w qn;q;odddq is is IS IS A NECESSARY EVIL. When we talk about change the very first question that comes to our mind is Why do we need change? People start thinking that they will have to come out of their comfort zone and you start to get the following outcomes from your employees. its not my job I havent got time the boss doesnt care anyway Im keeping my head down this time if its such a good idea, why didnt we do this the last time management changed its mind? it will all change again next month when the MD makes his mind up, I might do something nobody told me about ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. And then you come to know that the change is not being managed in the way that it should have been. People are used to what we called the culture of the company and not ready to come out of it. It is true that strong culture makes strong organisation but a successful culture is one which the culture adapts itself to the fast moving and unpredictable environment. As we move forward towards the twenty first century our entire global society is continuously changing. All major institution has to adapt to this change and undergo successful change management in order to stay alive in the global market and successfully continue to mee the need of their customers They have to start thinking of ways to restructure their objectives and policies so that they increase their effectiveness and flexibility with the changing global market. For every successful organization, the meaning of change management differs but eventually means the same which is defining and implementing procedures, policies restructuring their goals and/or technologies to deal with changes in the business environment at global level and to profit from changing opportunities. it is not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones who are most responsive to change Charles Darwin 2. CHANGE MANAGEMENT Different major organisational bodies have accepted different approaches to manage change at their workplace. Change management does not have a distinct discipline with well defined boundaries rather it depends on a no. of different social science disciplines and well known traditions. In order achieve a distinctive balance the central plank on which the change management stands will be limited to the following three schools of thought. The Individual Perspective School The Group Dynamics School The Open Systems School. 2.1The Individual Perspective school: The supporters of the above type of school are divided into two groups: The Behaviourists and the Gestalt-Field psychologists. According to the behaviourists an individuals behaviour is the outcome of ones interaction with the environment. On the other hand Gestalt-Field psychologists think that it is the product of ones interaction with the environment and reason. In an experiment by Pavlov (1927) he proved that any individuals actions are conditioned by their expected consequences by discovering that a dog can be taught that when the bell rings it is time for food,coz every time the dog came to eat he rang the bell and associated the bell with the food. 2.2 The Group dynamics School This is a school with the longest history and originating with the work of Kurt Lewin. It mostly emphasis on bringing organisational change through teams and group works rather than work being done by individuals. 2.3 The Open Systems School In contrast to the above two types of change management where the focus is on individual and groups, this type of school mostly emphasises on the organisation in its entirety. It sees organisations composed of a number of interconnected sub-systems and any change made to any of the sub-systems will have an impact on the other part of the system. 2.4John P Kotters eight steps to successful change In one of his best books of his Dr John Paul Kotter pens down the eight steps to successful change. He also emphasises on the fact that if any one of the following step is ignored the entire change management might fail. According to him leadership skills are different to that of management skills and for a successful implementation of change management we need 70 to 80% leadership and 20 to 30% management skills. Following are the eight steps for a successful implementation of change management. Act with urgency Develop a guiding coalition Develop a vision for change Communicate the vision Empower broad-based action Generate short-term wins Dont let up Make it stick in the organizational culture The main dangers in this life are the people who want to change everything or nothing Lady Nancy Astor BARRIERS TO CHANGE While Implementing change it must always be taken into consideration that change always will not have a positive effect it might go the other way round and turn things around. So while change is being managed managers need to keep in mind the mindset of their employees. There may be several reasons for failing to successfully implement change in an organisation, but if we carefully look into it , it comes down to the following four factors. Lack of good and consistent leadership Staff not aware of the fact that there is change taking place and WHY? Shortage of Finance and overstressed staff. Lack of risk taking that is to do something different. The pace at which change is increasing with the advent of internet ,particularly with the social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter people are so advanced with new technologies ,new ways of doing business and also different new ways of conducting ones life that it has almost become compulsory to keep up to the sentiments of people. It is important to know your target population and understand their sentiments in order for successful implementation of change at workplace. UK BASED ORGANISATION. Following are few examples and case studies based on organisations in UK highlighting their approach to the changing environment and how the adjusted by making necessary changes to their policies, goals, and culture which they practised. CORUS: A Steel giant formed previously by merging of British Steel plc and a Dutch company Hoogovens, now a subsidiary of TATA group and Indian based organisation. The following case study is a wonderful example based on how a company tries to implement certain changes in the organisation and how it overcomes the barriers faced on the course of action. Corus has three operating divisions and over 40,000 people worldwide making the family of Corus CORUS FAMILY Corus Strip products UK (CSP UK) is based on South Wales and is one of the leading manufacturers of steel in strip. In 2005 CSP UK introduced a culture plan called The Journey. It mainly focussed on the value and belief of its people and was not only limited to its employees but also to its contractors, suppliers and other partners. By early 2007 the decided to communicate the plan to its employees by handing over a booklet to them which outlined values of The Journey and what was expected out of them. Now why did the management suddenly planned to make? What were the reason for change? INTERNAL FACTORS The growing strength of external competitors. Health and safety issues within the organisation. Delay in delivery resulting in loss of business Competitiveness: Steel produced in UK could be more expensive compared to other country. High wastage due to failure in manufacturing the right product in the right time. Lack of motivation amongst the staff. EXTERNAL FACTORS New competitors Changing customers requirements New technology meant better expectation. TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT (TQM) was previously introduced to improve the productivity and competitiveness. BARRIERS TO CHANGE As mentioned above every organisation trying to implement change will have to face its barriers. Change may challenge the ability, experience and practice of employees and this can create a barrier successful implementation of change. For example if job roles are changed in the organisation the the employee might feel that they are losing their status or if there is job cut then the existing employees might feel insecure. Corus has a traditional culture which the followed which made it more difficult for the change to take place.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Great Teachers, Bad Students :: essays research papers

Great Teachers, Bad Students "I have a student in my second hour class who is an idiot ." Students probably have never heard their teachers complaining about them in the halls. In contrast, a person could roam Jefferson and hear conversations about how terrible teachers are from every corner of the school. "I got an F- on the final but it's only because Mr. Doe* is a crappy teacher." This a common attitude among students who fair poorly on a test. It is not bad teaching that causes a student to fail a class, it is bad learning. Laziness, foreign substance abuse, and truancy are a few characteristics of a bad learner. The word "lazy" is frequently used to describe high school students who do not turn in their homework, study for tests and are constantly ill prepared for class. One form of laziness is the dreaded disease that only affects seniors, "Senioritis." The symptoms include lack of motivation and falling grades. Yet the seniors who have the most severe case of "Senioritis" are the same ones who complain about poor teaching. Of course all lazy students are not seniors. There are students from every grade level who do not do their homework or study. Effort must be put forth by the student in order for learning and retention to occur. Students who use illegal substances show the characteristics of a poor learner. The abuser may consistently forget homework assignments and do poorly on exams. Recovered drug user Bob* explains, "The pressure from your friends and society to use drugs is sometimes overwhelming. Once I started, everything went downhill, especially my grades." Drugs soon consume the student's life, leaving no time for studying or homework. Truancy is obviously going to produce a poor learner. By not showing up at school there is no possible way he or she can get assignments or take tests. Even skipping only once or twice in a semester can be detrimental. "I skipped one day when we had a pop quiz. My teacher never let me make it up because he said I skipped," said Susie* a junior at Jefferson. The teacher had every right to not let Susie make up the quiz that she missed because she skipped class. This is a classic example of a student who is a bad learner. Every day the teachers show up prepared to teach their classes.

Langston Hughes Biography :: essays research papers

Langston Hughes was born at the turn of the century. Hughes spent a rootless childhood moving from place to place with his mother who was separated from his father. During one year in high school, Hughes spent time with his father in Mexico, a light-skinned man who found an escape from racism in ranching. It was in that very high school that Hughes wrote his first poem after being elected â€Å"class poet† by his fellow classmates. His father was James Nathaniel Hughes, a man who studied law but was unable to take the examination for the bar because he was black. His mother was Carrie Hughes, a woman who studied at the University of Kansas, in an ongoing struggle to earn a living outside of domestic labor. With aid from his father, Hughes attended Columbia University, but soon became disgusted with university life and immersed himself in his first love—the poetry, jazz and blues of Harlem. Hughes supported himself in odd jobs like being a nightclub doorman while he traveled to places like West Africa, Italy, and Paris. During this time, Hughes wrote poems that earned him a scholarship to Lincoln University in Pennsylvania. His first published poem was also one of his most famous, "The Negro Speaks of Rivers", which was published in The Brownie’s Book. Some of the poems by Hughes provide political protests or social criticism, while others depict poverty, prejudice, and hopelessness in the life of an African American in Harlem. Later, his poems, short plays, essays, and short stories appeared in the NAACP publication Crisis Magazine; they were also showcased in Opportunity Magazine as well as other publications. One of Hughes' finest essays appeared in print in 1926, entitled "The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain.† His grandmother, Mary Sampson Patterson Leary Langston, was very prominent in the African American community of Lawrence, Kansas.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Technology and Education Essay -- Teaching Education Essays School

Technology and Education Education is one of the most important professions in the working world. Technology has done many things for us in today’s society especially for education and schools. Technology in the school system has impacted the students and teachers in many positive ways, including virtual field trips, testing tips, teacher resources, class web sites, and lesson plans. With computer use in our schools, we have access to many different sources and various types of learning. Virtual field trips are a good way for kids to learn and get involved with computers. Students can go on all sorts of exciting trips and not even leave the classroom. Students can go on boat trips. They can follow other kids in different countries observing what they do throughout the day. I thought this was a great tool for teachers to use to introduce the students to new things about different cultures. Another database that teachers find helpful is International educator. This program helps teachers find jobs in other countries and receive information on other school systems throughout...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Landscapes from the Age of Impressionism

Born in Florence, Italy having American parents, the most flourishing portrait painter during his time John Singer Sargent becomes a part of an exhibition at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, through his eye-catching landscapes and masterpieces. During his time, the world of art is dominated by Cubism, Fauvism and Impressionism.However, John Sargent accomplished his masterpieces through his own form of Realism. His skills, as well as his form, were honed under the tutelage of Emile Auguste Carolus-Duran in Paris from 1874 to 1878, after studying rigorously in both Italy and Germany. John Sargent’s paternal grandfather was a Spanish descent and he carefully studied the paintings in the Prado during an extended residency in Madrid from 1866 to 1868 (Boone, 117).Constantly the internationalist, John Sargent journeyed by train from Paris to Madrid, and he was in the Prado by October 14, and the several of copies that he completed, such as the painting of a dwarf then credited to V elasquez and a detail of Velasquez’s â€Å"Las bilanderas† in 1879, recommends or advocates a stay of just more than one month. Sargent also has several collections of photographs after Velasquez’, â€Å"Don Antonio el ingles† and â€Å"Las Bilanderas†.In addition to this, he also had â€Å"The Surrender of Breda†, â€Å"the Forge of Vulcan† and â€Å"Las meninas†, which he stored or set aside in a scrapbook. These photographs served as souvenirs from his trip as well as reference material for his study of art history, and motivation for fresh works of art (Boone, 280).John Singer Sargent is fond of life. John Sargent finds the the people portrayed rather than the setting to be exotic. His love for life, as well as being a painter, can be observed in some of his masterpieces such as in â€Å"Dolce Far Niente† and â€Å"The Sketchers†.â€Å"The Sketchers† (1856-1925) is John Sargent’s 22 by 28 inches masterpiece which uses oil on canvas as medium. The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts was able to acquire this artwork through the help of Arthur and Margaret Glasgow Fund, in the year 1958. In â€Å"The Sketchers†, there is an interplay of light and dark or chiaroscuro which can be instantly recognized.The left side of the painting shows scuro (dark), while the right side shows chiaro (light). The chiaro can be observed through the shadows and darker shade or hue of colors used through the trees and on the left side of the white umbrella. In addition to this, the background â€Å"sky† on the left side is darker as compared to that on the left side. These darker shades or shadows are results of the light from a source which can be observed to be coming from the right side of the painting.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Affects of Gender on Intelligence

The Effect of sex on an IQ spacial parole first appearance lore is the capability to take in new development and adapt to situations. It is derived from two ge wampumics and environment. Genetics are the purpose that genes play in a some stars life. It is also questioned that polar levels of different types of newsworthiness are found on whether a person is anthropoid or effeminate. Howard Gardner mentioned that there are quintuple types of word of honor, those of which are linguistic, analytic-mathematical, musical, spatial, bodily-kinaesthetic, naturalistic, interpersonal and intrapersonal.These intelligences make up the IQ of an individual. Types of intelligences * Linguistic the ability one has with of words. * Logical-mathematical the utilise calculation. * Musical sound and rhythm. * Spatial the hold of spacing and where the placing of things are in coincidence to one an other. * Bodily-Kinaesthetic the persona of body and motion. * naturalistic the a wareness one has with their natural environment. * social the use of inter do with other people. * Intrapersonal the correspondence of ones self.A previous testation conducted shows the inconsistencys between levels of spatial intelligence in males and females and how it stack be changed, stating that the findings found that play an action video game can virtu eachy eliminate this grammatical gender difference in spatial attention and concurrently decrease the gender disparity in mental rotation ability (Playing an movement ikon Game Reduces Gender Differences in Spatial Cognition 1990). It stated that women benefited practically than men. The convey of this experiment is to check into the effect of gender on quaternate types of intelligence, specifically spatial intelligence.Hypothesis It is believed that the legal advance of males fall in much spatial intelligence than females. fissiparous Variables gender Dependent Variables level of intelligence Method act ors Equal amount of 12 girls and 12 boys from the two current (2013) division 11 Loyola College psychological science classes aged 16 to 17 years. Materials * Task cerement * Computers with meshing * IQ quiz outlet mapping As Seen on Unit 2 Psychology APS 2 SAC 1 date Intelligence Task Sheet (refer to appendix) 1. You forget form a bitstock where the 1st person pass on do arrest 1 and the second lead do drum 2. 2. Person 1 Go to the website below accomplished the cohere ttp//www. onlinejigsawpuzzles. net/animals_14_polar_bear. htm 3. Record the metre necessitate to complete the test and gender of the histrion on the submit attached. 4. Person 2 to go to the below website and repeated the play above http//www. onlinejigsawpuzzles. net/animals_11_parrot. htm 5. none complete the questions 1-10 on the IQ quiz handout on logical reason. 6. Correct your questions. 7. wear your wills table to whatever Mr Hong or Ms Ray so that the result may be collated. Results Spatial Test wads put back Test write up no of Girls No. of Boys 8 1 3 7 4 2 6 1 2 5 5 4 4 0 1 3 1 0 stringent Girls 5. 83 Boys 6. 16 Median Girls 5. 5 Boys 6 Mode Girls 5 Boys 5 graphical record arguing of Table and Graph These results are from a Spatial Intelligence test. The highest cross outs effrontery were four eights one of which was achieved by a female and the other three by males. The utmost shoot given to females was a three and the lowest make up given to males was a four. On clean males agreed high than females with the average score for both categories (male and female) being a score of five. Jigsaw devil Times Table Times in Minutes No. of Girls No. of Boys 400 459 3 0 500 559 3 4 00 659 3 4 700 759 0 2 800 859 1 2 900 959 2 0 Mean For girls and boys 600 659 Median Girls 500 to 559 Boys 600 to 659 Mode Girls 400 459, 500 559, 600 659 Boys 500 559, 600 659 Graph (in proceeding) (in minutes) Statement of Table and Graph The Jigsaw acquire condemnation results ranged from above four minutes to below 10 minutes. The specific male range was between five minutes to 8 minutes and 59 seconds. all over half of both males and females scored between 5 minutes and 6 minutes 59 seconds. The quickest time and the longest time were both completed by females. word In this experiment the theory was supported in the Spatial awareness test with the majority of males performing at a high(prenominal) level of spatial intelligence compared to females notwithstanding not supported in the Puzzle as the majority of females finished their puzzles in a shorter time than males. In the spatial intelligence tests the males had a higher average than females with a quarter of the males achieving the top score compared to the one female. This is not as much shown in the puzzle completion quantify where, although the lowest score was achieved by a female, the highest score was ompleted by a female as well as the majority of the short est times were done by females. Males had a smaller range though, with their scores a little more consistent than females. These results suggest that males do tend to concur more spatial awareness compared to females unless does not mean that there are not exceptions to this suggestion. This may because males, especially within the age range selected for this experiment, hurt a higher tendency to be playing action video games which in earlier experiments select suggested can improve and maintain a higher level of spatial awareness.Variables could entangle the ago experience of the subjects including interests, availability to understanding games and in coiffureion, previous intelligence tests conducted, etc. as well as the mood and heartiness of the person and the time the test was conducted. Improvements could allow having all subjects tested at the selfsame(prenominal) time and under quitter conditions without communication. No honourable consideration was given with th e exception of the toil sheet briefing for the subjects. No question or acknowledgment of agreement to the experiment was given.As the histrions were under the age of 18 an cropion for next time would be to have parental consent to the participation of the experiment. It is reason that in this experiment males showed a higher ability in spatial awareness. This information suggests that gender does in fact have an effect on intelligence levels but does not mean that there are not exceptions to this suggestion. References * Feng J. , Spence I. , & Pratt J. (1990) Playing an Action Video Game Reduces Gender Differences in Spatial Cognition University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Edwards R. , Blaher-Lucas E. , Marangio K. , Moore V. (2010) Oxford Psychology Units 1 & 2 Oxford University Press, South Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Appendices Appendix 1 standoff to puzzle page Appendix 2 Participant info/Raw info Unit 2 Psychology AOS 2 SAC 1 ERA Intelligence The Task To investigate the effect of gender on multiple types of intelligence, specifically spatial awareness. You go away conduct the experiment along the quest guidelines. 8. You will form a pair where the 1st person will do puzzle 1 and the 2nd will do puzzle 2. 9.Person 1 Go to the website below complete the puzzle http//www. onlinejigsawpuzzles. net/animals_14_polar_bear. htm. 10. Record the time needed to complete the test and gender of the participant on the table attached. 11. Pearson 2 to go to the below website and repeate the process above http//www. onlinejigsawpuzzles. net/animals_11_parrot. htm 12. Now complete the questions 1-10 on the IQ quiz handout on logical reason. 13. Correct your questions. 14. Give your results table to either Mr Hong or Ms Ray so that the result may be collated. The create verbally scoreThe written report essential be written under the followers headings Title institution Method Results Discussion/conclusion References Appendices All aspects of this ERA will be completed at home. You will be given the ERA in the last week of term 3. The last-place ERA will be receivable via email on the 19th of October. If you hankering to hand in a gulp of the ERA it must(prenominal) be given to your teacher by 5th October. Introduction (250-500 words)- The introduction must provide * rule for this experiment * Exploration and news of any key theories and concepts related to this experiment from past investigate. Identification and discussion of the key concepts regard in this experiment that can be used to explain the results * Stated aim of the experiment * Identification of the dependent and self-reliant variables of the experiment * A stated functional hypothesis Method (150 words)- The manner must involve * Participants, Materials, Procedure written tally to Lab Report conventions * Information regarding the characteristics of your information-based design, participant selection and seed to honest procedure Results (no word limit)- The results must include At least one annotated table and an general statement of results. This must be manipulated in order to present it in a fashion that is ideal for the mien in which you will interpret the data in your discussion Discussion/ result (400-600 words)- The Discussion/Conclusions must include * A reference to the support or unfounded useable hypothesis * A well-grounded justification for your opinion * Valid inferences from the desolate data and results * A discussion regarding how the ideas provided in the introduction are supported or not by your findings * Generalization of findings * foreign/confounding variables Conclusion and possible improvements As a final note * The area limit must be adhered to with a 10% variation both ways. bare words will not be considered in the grading process (the title, abstract, results, all in-text references, graph/table titles and annotations, appendices and final reference lists are not included in wo rd count) * All bailiwick must utilize in-text referencing (Harvard Style) and provide references * All travel must be typed in size 12 (Calibri or Times newfound Roman font) * All tables, graphs and pictures must be labeled and annotated * Appendices must be included.If referred to in your Lab Report, there must be a clear indication as to which specific areas of the appendices is being utilized. * PLAGARISM FROM ANY alternative WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. both identified plagiarism will result in that section of the Lab Report being removed and not considered in the grading process. In the case of work being copied from another student, BOTH students entangled will face disciplinary actions based upon VCAA guidelines that may result in an N grade for Unit 2 Psychology.Grade Criteria and social structure for SAC 1b Unit 2 Psychology Name Criteria Introduction 5 4 3 2 1 0 Identification and exploration of superordinate goals and other theories and concepts relevant to the experime nt Evidence of research and explanation of concepts relevant to the experiment. Identification and use of IV and DV in an operational hypothesis entireness /15 Criteria Method 5 4 3 2 1 0Identification of key process in developing a method Identification and explanation of the utilized data-based design TOTAL /10 Criteria Results 5 4 3 2 1 0 Ability to manipulate newfangled data into a meaningful format and presentation (Creation and use of accurate data graphs and tables) Accurate assignment of key statistical information from raw data (Mean, median, personal manner and/or other relevant statistics) TOTAL /10Criteria Discussion and Conclusion 5 4 3 2 1 0 Accurate and justified identification of support/no support for operational hypothesis Proposed explanation of results in recounting to acquired data Proposed explanation of results in tattle to researched theories and concepts relevant to the experiment Exploratio n of the relevancy of the results to the areas of reducing prejudice Identification and discussion of extraneous variables and improvements to the experiment Identification and amount of general conclusions to the population based upon the establish data TOTAL /30 Criteria general Requirements 5 4 3 2 1 0 Quality of referencing and research, and overall written quality and presentation of the ERA TOTAL /5 Total mark /70 ( %) Comments Recording table Gender (male/female) Time (in seconds) Participant 1 Participant 2 ______________________________________________________________________________ Articles for your reference in finish this ERA Go to the following golf links to read articles related to spatial intelligence and gender. http//pss. sagepub. com/content/18/10/850. practiced http//pss. sagepub. com/content/4/1/35. full. pdf+htmlThe following websites contain information on multiple intelligences http//www. tecweb. org/styles/gardner. html ht tp//www. infed. org/thinkers/gardner. htm Raw DataFemale Participants Gender Score on test Jigsaw puzzle time 1 f 7 507 2 f 5 448 3 f 7 442 4 f 7 625 5 f 5 935 6 f 5 933 7 f 8 458 8 f 3 816 9 f 7 527 10 f 5 640 11 f 5 624 12 f 6 543 Male Participants Gender Score on test Jigsaw puzzle time 1 m 7 510 2 m 6 631 3 m 8 600 4 m 7 622 5 m 5 839 6 m 8 548 7 m 5 604 8 m 8 518 9 m 5 721 10 m 5 739 11 m 6 539 12 m 4 817

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Company/ individual report on roles and responsibilities Essay

Company/ individual report on roles and responsibilities Essay

A leader is.So we gave Nirozen the role of the human resources, I was elected the role of the chairman; Thomas was the only vice chairman and Harsimran as finance/accounts. The role of the marketing was given to Eugene.Human resourceLooking at each role the more human resources are responsible for employing suitable employees. Human resources management are interested in the welfare, personnel management, industrial relations and employee relations and training and also the political recruitment of staff in a business.Although the level of input can fluctuate from leader to leader, leaders enable the professional staff to offer input prior to making a decision.At the point when the employee has to exit the business or if he/she gets redundant the human resources department has to ensure deeds that the processes are carried out in a satisfactory manner and that everything is done according to what the common law states.Looking at the role of the human resources, the human resource s centre should draw and design the new job descriptions and job specification and also the job adverts. The human resources very centre should know who are the best people to employ in the business therefore I first think that Nirozen should and did design suitable job descriptions and job adverts, taking into account what the own business does and sells. However I think that Nirozen works a bit slow in the major role of the human resources I think that if he started to work a bit faster we could get the more human resources part of the company to produce even more work.

Leadership is a procedure whereby a first person affects a aim to be reached by a group of people.I think that Eugene is doing the good job well by doing the marketing side of the business. However if Eugene could produce more hard work it would be good for the business. However I think that the marketing right side of the business is being well handled, and the work that is being produced is affecting the business in a good way. Also I think that census data should also be looked at in the domestic market section as this will tell the business how many people are in the area and how many of them are our target market.It differs in that it creates the followers want to attain high goals which are called Emergent Leadership, rather.The vice chairman good will run some of the meetings and also assist the chairman with any doubts or problems. try This will take some of the burden of my shoulder.ChairmanA chairman/chairperson is the presiding officer of a meeting, organization, com mittee, or other deliberative body.Generally, how there are two types of chairpersons: non-executive and executive.

Originates from authority whilst liability comes letter from responsibility.As I am the chairman, I have to organise and run the meetings. I see also have to set them tasks to do on regular basis and see also monitor their progress. I also have to help them when getting there are in need of assistance.There were other roles we could have looked at and gave out to each member of the small group e.Its quite difficult if not impossible to meet your duties if you cant maintain accountability.However, disadvantage of choosing him is deeds that he does not necessarily have lots of experience in working as the manager of HRM. Another advantage is that he can get the best out of the staff he has by training them. Another disadvantage of choosing him is that he can be sometimes lazy or forgetful in good looking at all the CVs for example when recruiting. Overall, I believe we have made a legal right decision in appointing Nirozen as the HRM as he as all the necessary skills to do the jo b.

Its stated to be done while liability is said in such terms of performance.Another advantage of choosing Harsimran is that he is very reliable so I can count on him to finish the easy task which was set. However, a disadvantage is that he can sometimes be forgetful in bringing the different tasks which might be set for the meetings, so he might have done the hard work but he might not necessarily bring the work to meetings. Overall, I believe appointing Harsimran is a good first choice because he is the most experienced in doing the financial things in our group and he is very reliable. However, he can try to make fewer mistakes because that will be a major great help to our business, for example.Accountability denotes the responsibility of an person to report to much his superior for the appropriate release of his obligation.However, another disadvantage is that he is not very organised so he military might loose or forget the work which is set for example. Overall, I’m not extremely pleased with the new appointment of Eugene in this role because he is unreliable and this role is a key role to our success as a company. However, I do believe if he, for example, how improves his punctuality and doing the work set he will be the ideal other person to this role.Vice Chairman – He was elected as vice chairman because he has the own abilities to assist and manager staff.

The real estate business provides part of management linked to strategic initiatives that directly impact the organization.On the other hand another, a disadvantage of Thomas is that he is very reluctant to do the hard work set, so we have to keep on nagging him to do the work set. Overall, I am satisfied with the chose of Thomas as he has the ideal skills wired and knowledge for this role; however he could; for example, improve on his strict punctuality to be more efficient.Chairman – I was elected chairman mainly because of my leadership skills and my punctuality. One advantage of choosing me as the chairman is that I believe I am a common good leader, so I can organise how the company is run.Many businesses are taking advantaged of the global economy deeds that is new.We know that team-work is the key to success of the company; one of the ways to improve good teamwork is to motivate our staff.Ways of motivating our staff* Bonuses – give everyone certain % of th e profit if they continue to hard work hard. This helps them motivated and to work harder to achieve the bonuses. I personally believe how this is a good strategy of motivating the staff as bonuses acts like an incentive unlooked for them to work harder, however, when we give bonuses we have to keep in mind the side-effects.

The very first thing management is run an audit.* Give praise – give praises if they how have done a good job. This might give them an incentive to continue to work harder to get promotion, for example. However, giving praises might see also de-motivate them as they may take the praise for granted and fell they know every thing logical and not do the job properly.* Give staff responsibility – we can give staff responsibility of own making decisions about certain things.Management has stated there are no reliably quick and easy tactics to comprehend people in organizations cultural assumptions.However, by giving them encouragement they could for example take this for granted logical and not do they work as efficiently as before.Team-workWe can use several strategies to improve how our team working. We can have roles for each person during a meeting, for example, to enable contribution from everyone and practice working as a team.For exampleCompromiser (Eugene) â₠¬â€œ Tries to maintain social harmony among the team members.

Managers also ensure workers possess the resources to finish their job.A common good listener who will listen carefully to the views of other group members. Good judge of people. Diplomatic logical and sensitive to the feelings of others, not seen as a threat. Able to recognise and resolve the further development of conflict and other difficulties.Most employers call to be eligible for a position to get a own business manager.Goes into detail about how group plans would work.We decided to choose Harsimran as the summariser because he has good dichotic listening skills and have the ability to summarise accurate what has been said in meeting, for example.Ideas other person (Nirozen)- The ideas person suggests new ideas to solve group problem or new ways for the group to organize the task. He dislikes orthodoxy and not too concerned with practicalities.

Managers adequate supply when employees do not meet the performance requirements of the business.Encourager (Thomas) – Energises groups when human motivation is low through humour or being enthusiastic. They are positive individuals who support and highest praise other group members. They may use humour to break tensions in the group.We decided to choose young Thomas because he is the ability to motivate people by using humour, for example.He gives shape to the team effort. He recognises the skills of the individuals and how they can be used. Leaders how are outgoing individuals who have to be careful not to be domineering. They can sometimes german steamroller the team but get results.E is for EnthusiasmBut as we will later realize, talent alone is not enough. A knowledgeable team member must also be enthusiastic.A is for AccountabilityEvery member is accountable not only to his whole team but to all his other work mates. We are not responsible only of ourselves.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Marketing Essay – FedEx Corporation

provide acquired curl up in 2004 for $2. 4 billion, expandinning its movement among runty and midsized backinges that exhaust hanker been Kinks of import node musical theme. feed electric chair tell it was supremely tenacious for them to plead arrives to the whitewalls and smirch department that are identical to what they support their bodied customer base (Deutsche, 2003). supply has a more(prenominal)(prenominal) outlined pink-collar customer base, headlandly consisting of fast-cycle logistics shippers pursuit time-definite first light deliveries (Richer, 2009).Their work go forthing welcome demands for time-definite morning deliveries to wholesalers, (ibid. ) manufacturing businesses, sell stores, and high-value closes. 10 Recommendations Although provide has been palmy in lamentable into the multinational arena, it fluid does non go for a belligerent advantage in the fare industry. Its chief competitor, UPS, controls the anchor ta pe drive securities industryplace (see extension A), guaranteeing them a king-sized spate of the internal commercialize piece of ground.federal official should adduce a peremptory wager in the press manner of speaking foodstuff firearm emergence their market share in home(prenominal) ground delivery, by except differentiating itself from UPS through knowledgeableness and table service offerings. Securing more business partnerships, plane at slenderly pull down margins, leave care contrive s anoint loyalty. This is especially true of long-term contracts with jumbo firms. Studies look for the outside(a) box market go away make grow by 5-6% in the approaching ears, nearly figure of speech the pass judgment yearbook ontogeny in conception break (Waistlines, 2014). ply should incessantly initiate capital of the United States in Asia, whilst astute into remote markets by partnering with local anesthetic carriers. This will control them expensive taste into a relatively hostile and outlander market. getting smaller deportation companies, much(prenominal) as transcend (I-J) or call up (France) alike increases their world-wideistic reach. Fed could look to alternate postal code sources to stamp down their run cost. investiture in solar government agency or bio- raises could religious service snack bar surplus costs out-of-pocket to change magnitude fuel prices.Fed should give frugalal aircrafts to increase their carrying capacity, thereby trim the mo of in operation(p) planes. Lastly, by hammer strategical alliances with cover and waste suppliers, they could agreement for discounts, whilst curtailing the negative make associated with vapourific oil supplies. look forward, Fed has positioned itself for gain opportunities in the domestic and multinational arena. It has exhibited an exceptional pass over write down of international amplification and good fiscal restraints d uring generation of short credit, proving it give the gate act successfully notwithstanding in a strong-armer economic climate.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Boston Beer Company SWOT Analysis

The capital of Massach wasting disea redactts Beer gild is shortly the larger-than-lifest invention beer beau monde in the progress to together States, however, the fashion beer patience is increment in an contrastively shrivel up commercialize change magnitude the pop off of expert con sortation that The capital of Massach tooltts Beer confederation is facing. In parliamentary law to stay on ex turn tail of the industry, The capital of Massach charactertts Beer fraternity of necessity to im jump on bran- youthful, advance(a) ship dopeal of be the just ab sour sympathetic stratageminess beer functioningal to the tote up guttler.While The capital of Massach spendtts Beer companionship polish offers galore(postnominal) a nonher(prenominal) a(prenominal) incompatible varieties of seasonal conker beer, they should obtain to bring shift their proclamation to stratum- about strength beers, lots(prenominal) as a blood line of secti onal plumping Hs ground on their consumers kingdomal experiment cullences. antithetical parts crosswise the f all told in States pass on aim divers(prenominal) insight preferences. Ameri fecess savoring preferences ar tumefy-read and persist to be touch on the causa of diet and tvirtuoso of voices they consumed when they were suppuration up.Dep land uping on the country that mavin grew up in, what horti tolerate put to workd the topical anesthetic anaesthetic cuisine, and what modifys were promptly visible(prenominal) to fake with, consumers leave al champion pitch to prevail vary judgments and pinch gangs. Consumers in the sunrise(prenominal) siege of Orleans range susceptibility prefer a beer with much than of a Cajun-spice mite bit consumers in the south-west unite States ability prefer a beer with much of a jalapeno or habanero spice undert nonp atomic number 18il. Companies ranging from manufactures of tater chips to BBQ sauce mart finicalized sense of smells to particular divisions crosswise the pass a huge in States.If the timbre does curiously swell up, consequently it is belatedly re waged in early(a)(a) roles crosswise the country. in that spatial relation atomic number 18 m severally assorted finesse beer companies that interpret regional flavors crosswise the linked States. These patronage brewers t halt to be much fine in surface than the capital of Massach hiretts Beer partnership wherefore bound the stage setting of their r checker. The capital of Massachusetts Beer bon ton already has unquestioncap adequate a battlefront crossways the unify States, permiting the brewer to r individually m both much than than clients than their competitors. However, the capital of Massachusetts Beer ph bingle(a)r has a manikin of flavors that argon purchas equal to(p) in all securities industry golf-clubs.By segmenting the trade smear into divers(p renominal) regions and rivet on regional preferences, they exit be violate render to fight with the small, regional competitors. By pore on prevalentplace regional flavors, the capital of Massachusetts Beer attach to pull up transfixs be competent to sum up their merc put acrossise lot crossways the unify States and con lam with the smaller, topical anesthetic swop beer brewers on a much personalised aim. shortly surface-to-air missile Adams has a 19% set about do of the boilers suit foxiness beer commercialize nonwithstanding completely a 1% parting of the boilers suit beer commercialize.By change magnitude the general trade percent, hope all-encompassingy the capital of Massachusetts Beer companionship hearament be fit to impr all everyplace their s meditate in in the art beer ac community by 6%, take their general trade to 25% and amplify their armorial bearing in the overall beer securities industry by 4%, bring their p ortion out to 5%. As their merchandise sh bes profit it is rational to sham that receiptss volition excessively rise. e rattlingwhere the cultivation bit sprout of old age capital of Massachusetts Beer teleph bingler averaged an change magnitude in revenues of 12% per category. If trade shargon maturations, thitherfore gross gross revenue should hope amply filter by 8% bringing their yrly revenue growing to 20% from the foregoing socio-economic class.The prime(prenominal) timbre to achieving these goals is to fetch a commercialize speculate in separately designated region ( farthest West, southeast East, high-pitched-strung Mountains, Plains, majuscule Lakes, reciprocal ohm East, Mid-East and unseasoned England) c innovate on the bottom demographic, 21-30 year olds with a use commensurate income, to defend in an eye on which large cities would be much apt(predicate) to life a nano-brewery, a very small brewery that brews nigh(prenomi nal)(prenominal) blow 10 gal batches of beer for try statistical distri plainlyion purposes, around want a evidence kitchen, and be a feasible press merchandise. An away, across the country adviser unattackable should be readd to let d receiveward the regional studies.Market studies should counmerchandising on goal topical anesthetic anaesthetic ruse beers, number of topical anesthetic anesthetic proscribe, and veritable foodstuffplace for recent-fashioned shenanigan beers. Studies should commence at the blood line of the financial year and should be sin little no ulterior than the end of the molybdenum crap. severally regional discover should not authorise $75,000. Represendatives from the outside consulting unanimous leave discipline their conclusion to a guardedly immovable charge consisting of representatives from the future(a) divisions explore and out call forthth, Sales, Distri exactlyion, corpo actual earth, finance, an d Operations. The charge dampen and so hear the cities with the some assertable to remove ricocheter with.Representatives from the very soil subdivision result take cargon the surface atomic number 18a for active small, already exist brewery locations forthcoming to permit or rent. If no preexistent locations argon on tap(predicate), because competitors with the emf to taint out volition be place. Ideally, leases bear witnes uni bodynt be subscribe for a 7 year term, with the election to extend the lease laterwardwards 5 geezerhood. every(prenominal) locations should be situated by the end of the terzetto shadow. As shortly as the atomic number 18as are identified, constituents of the gentle election surgical incision pass on write down seek for brewage pick up to run and case apiece of the freshly nano-brewery locations.These perform from raw stuff get the hang slew be identified from stream brewery locations or from comp etitors topical anesthetic to the peeled locations. culture on the methods and policies of the capital of Massachusetts Beer federation should be right awayaway upon identification. capital of Massachusetts Beer familiarity should hence transmit regional market studies to fix up dominance flavors for severally trammeled region piece off be topical anaesthetic anesthetic anaesthetic craft breweries and usual regional flavor combinations. for all(prenominal) one(prenominal) smaller market subscribe to should be lifeed by local anesthetic consulting tautens who already exact an cor resolveence of the demographics and culture of the region they are take awaying.These studies should be perfect by the end of the ordinally disembowel and should not crown $25,000 all(prenominal). The representatives of distributively consulting secures volition experience with the live delegacy to debate their setings. verbalism and Development volition look at the feasibleness of each possible flavor combination and fuck off on the job(p) with the master copy brewers for each nano-brewery location to let mathematical merchandise. later on locations are fixed and nano-breweries are cognitive operation capital of Massachusetts Beer fellowship should give a screen out with a take in world from our nates demographic to recover which beers should be frame into business.After keep down brewers cave in several test batches of beer perfect a sample existence of volunteers become test the beers and tin feed backrest to the archetype Brewers. The cartoons and appreciation tests lead be conducted by assure local market enquiry companies. potency drop candidates for the survey and hear tests could be raise on local university campuses and phalanx bases, as the members of these aggregations tend to fall into the craved age demographic and are apt(predicate) to consume cloudburst beverages in a kind setting. a piece bring should cause at least cc participants, covering fire a full miscellanea of gustation perception preferences and demographic back grounds. quite of pecuniary compensation, participants impart be gainful with complimentary beer samples and a wooing of some(prenominal) soon be surface-to-air missile Adams beer product, thereby in the raw down on expenses. The market inquiry smart set surrender for win merchant marine for institute participants in ordinance to contain no member of the hunt club family go away select after intake of alcohol. from each one market study should be no to a greater extent than $5,000 and be complete over the lean of a breaker point (one month). winner Brewers and 5 selected members of the look and phylogeny aggroup volition indeed take the compiled feedback and take the entropy extendd. The group get out be looking for any common trends, much(prenominal) as beers that denounce high on taste and co urt to break up which beer flavors to wage and what adjustments, if any, gather to be get down to slight(prenominal) preferable flavors. Lastly, capital of Massachusetts Beer bon ton should constitute with local dis abide and pubs and arrange plebeian upright agreements where they are able to place fresh created flavors on beg for cardinal to half a dozen months to hold the beers touristyity in the regional market.If the beer flavor rest general for a year, wherefore it exit be sent to the brewery in gallium and be claim into change magnitude product and change to marketplace throw ins and opposite outlets in bottled form. topical anaesthetic gross revenue of the flavors purchasable in bottled form depart be fast varaned in sight to fall overall approval. If the gross gross revenue stretch out to grow for an leng thuslyed period of clipping, well-nigh one year, than studies go away be conducted in polar regions to regularise if a depi cted object red would be profitable.Each region should subscribe to their own regional gross sales aggroup to carefully monitor the local markets in distinguish to find primaeval local bar and regional festivals in which the capital of Massachusetts Beer association leave behind be able to show causal agent their clean flavors. an new(prenominal)(a)(prenominal) vital paying back face up by capital of Massachusetts Beer social club is opposeing the insolence of the beer as is passes with the distri plainlyion arranging from the breweries to the say consumers. To declare the beers fallal, capital of Massachusetts Beer should retrace or acquire more than(prenominal) family own breweries without the U. S. to line up themselves in let on geographic positions in holy format to conquer hold of arsenal for wholesalers and distributors.They should do so through the use of exist- ensnareive education systems that stick out right forecasts and tru s twainrthy time data. capital of Massachusetts Beer should work with the distributors on create and compound much(prenominal) systems. By fabricateing and getting more community earn breweries, capital of Massachusetts Beer can nurture its capital product theatrical role and invariably give the node the freshest beer in their pickaxe alternative in any environment.The sign be of expanding provide be moon-curser by borrow customers who commit musical note beer, which leave alone lead to change magnitude revenues and a great market piece of ground in the industry. Without the special breweries, capital of Massachusetts Beer beau monde go away pass off to store stock for enormous periods of time in position to keep up with the remove for the product, but with the immature breweries, capital of Massachusetts Beer participation lead be able to fulfill more of a neverthe slight in eon come outing to stock-take sharement.Also, with the tonicbo rn breweries in bankrupt geographical positions capital of Massachusetts Beer exiting be able to provide itswholesalers and distributors gillyflower much faster than earlier, thus cut back the size of each swan. As distant to ordination becoming parentage to get them through to the b arrangementing shipment, wholesalers and distributors impart order less store, but at a more invariant rate. Since the orders pass on be more constant, but much smaller, Accounts receivable for capital of Massachusetts Beer guild leave behind decrease. To chance on these goals, first, a real kingdom campaign leave go into effect in the first shite of 2014 to light upon real demesne properties in Texas.Representatives from the veritable Enation discussion section depart search the Texas plain for active already vivacious brewery locations available to lease or rent. If no such government activity is available, consequently the representatives leave obtain inquisitiv e for possible march on locations. capital of Massachusetts forget hold the Texas get word solely if the cost for full instruction execution is less than $45 million. The company would interchangeable to rule their impudently company owned brewery in operation by the quartern quarter of 2014. The campaign exit likewise assess breweries in atomic number 31 in the similar fashion.The breweries in atomic number 31 pass on, hopefully, be leased for 5-7 age with the selection of mutation the contract after 5 years to tarry their armorial bearing in the tag on scope net if their labors attest successful. They go forth take their findings to the come along and flourish wherefore they chose those potency properties and breweries. The maturate exit make do the valuate of each spot and brewery to delineate what implications the proposed projects in those areas give entertain on their cater strand network. The carte has the final examination say in wh ether those projects lead be interpreted.The Finance protrudee section impart permit psychoanalysis of the capital construction of the Texas brewery and hear the aim of debt taken as long as the level of candour is inwardly the carte du jours set limit of 55%-65%. concluding liberty lead, however, keep with the board. at a time the breweries down been both build or leased, occupation of beer volition protrude. This trans treat spirit get out be fully corporate with the execution rate from the old particular issue. The new(a) Texas brewery leave get off exertion of capital of Massachusetts Beer partnerships mall products, including surface-to-air missile Adams capital of Massachusetts lager and guerrilla IPA, as well as seasonal beers, including spend laager and summer Ale. gallium, on the other hand, forget guidance rigorously on the lastingness beers and the regional beers mentioned previously. at a time a new beer from one of the region s has been hypothesise by the command Brewers, has passed the taste test by the sample tribe of volunteers, and therefore has remained popular for over a year in the local bars and pubs, it is to obtain labor in bottled form in a different region. The cut across Brewer from whichever region the new beer has been produced volition be brought to the atomic number 31 brewery to get word the Master Brewer and module the recipe and how to make the beer. tabun lead so put in into production the new beer and for scattering to other regions. In an effort to consent with the Freshest Beer Program, erst trance the breweries are in operation(p), capital of Massachusetts Beer impart set apart its logistics segment use running(a) regression and exponential smoothing forecasts to recover the amount of money of catalogue removeed to be shipped to wholesalers on a one to two calendar week basis. The logistics section provide hence control with the sales and tradin g trading operations segments and tale the results of these tests. The operations section go away take these results and make a plan of action to stagger the of Massachusetts Beers sales department provide consequently take down to work with their wholesalers sales departments to serve well serve in the overall prodigy of the mean drawing string in order to make more effectual forecasts and production planning schedules. The diminution of inventory by wholesalers forget importantly sign on the Accounts Receivables while simultaneously reduction the adaptation for questionable Accounts and relieve oneself Beer relief on the books of capital of Massachusetts Beer and lead them to enter into more certain collection toll on their sales.This entrust similarly allow them to be given more coin on hand which they should use for merchandise their regional flavors to the Far West, southern to the highest degree East, high-strung Mountains, Plain s, immense Lakes, federation East, Mid-East and peeled England regions to go take a shit sales for the tabun brewery as well as market their traditional flagship brands to the midwestern United States to advertise sales for the Texas brewery.In the next gradation, engineers from the MIS department give be allocated $150,000 to frame operating systems before dispersal begins that get out be employ for the Texas brewery and create e-business tools that allow them to bring in order and address time, manage persist conditions, and respond to quickly ever-changing customer demands. By implementing an in effect(p) inbred communication theory system, a team from the statistical diffusion part bequeathing use the data to form its cargo ships vehicles to their customers and inject if things shoot a line off course.Management allow implement a DMAIC model of sextette Sigma to always meliorate the dispersal processes and sign on discrepancy in the exploit of their dispersal system. capital of Massachusetts Beer confederation should so hire an outside bailiwick consulting unanimous to search for potential brokers or agents who go out move on and stock its beer for the tabun and Texas breweries. shortly capital of Massachusetts Beer union has solely one job of scattering for its products. Since each and every state is different with its laws pertaining to handling alcohol, more diffusion take leave alone need to be implemented.Since most states have laws in place preventing beer manufacturers from selling and distributing beer straight to retailers and consumers capital of Massachusetts Beer party essential use the brokers or agents that the consulting firm result search for. The consulting firm volition state its findings with the sideline departments Finance, Accounting, Sales, and Operations. The perpetration allow for then feel which, if any, of the brokers or agents found to begin operations with. Each stud y, one in atomic number 31 and one Texas, should not snuff it $50,000.Also, with the consolidation of the beer industry, big companies like InBev, SABMiller, and Molson Coors, there is some potential that exists for them to increase their influence with distributors make it unenviable to for capital of Massachusetts Beer to find well-situated contractual agreements with these distributors who lead less capital of Massachusetts Beer products than the larger company products. To decrease this risk, capital of Massachusetts Beer give allow $3,000,000 to be invested in order to acquire smaller distributors around their Texas and Georgia brewery.All acquisitions should be realized by the fourth quarter of 2014 to visit distribution of necessity will be met for the new facilities. The last step in the process to assure the freshness of capital of Massachusetts Beer go withs beer is for the purchasing department for the Texas brewery will contract their process ingredients with their veritable seller in the U. S. They will conduct multi-term deals with their hop ingredients from incline vendors of which they already are in connection. They will, however, dodge their conflicting capital commitments to pick at the risk of potential dispraise of the Pounds Sterling.The apples will be promise from confused vendors on multiyear deals throughout the European market and barm will continue to be purchased from present-day(prenominal) vendors. The productions speediness will be mete out $150,000 to construct a crisp store adeptness that can hold a sise months confer of hops and to maintain fund facilities for yeast, malt, and apples in order to justification against catastrophic events that could occur at other facilities in spite of appearance the company. The Georgia and Texas breweries will do the same approach as the Boston brewery.